Julie Erb, Artist
A friend of mine, when he learned that I wanted to spend more time painting, sent me a quote by the English writer George Leigh Mallory. It speaks to anyone who has a passion for something, be it writing, music, painting, knitting, quilting, running or rock climbing. Substitute your own passion (and gender) as you read.
“Our case is not unlike that of one who has, for instance, a gift for music. There may be inconvenience, and even damage, to be sustained in devoting time to music; but the greatest danger is in not devoting enough, for music is this man’s adventure… To refuse the adventure is to run the risk of drying up like a pea in its shell.”
Art chose me and sometimes that’s not particularly easy to deal with. The paintings in this site are some of the results of my attempts to answer its call. I hope viewers will become a little more aware of the beauty of the ordinary and the natural world. I also hope they feel some sense of peace while they focus on something other than all the problems in this CRAZY world.
Whether I’m successful in those efforts, I don’t know. But I do know this:
It’s a passion in my life.
I hope you enjoy viewing my paintings. For more information about me and my painting exhibitions history, view my artist’s résumé (PDF).