
Most of these paintings are done in the studio, from my own photos. The exceptions are the painting "Ol' Floyd" which was done from a live model, and the photo for "Dad's Record Catch" was provided to me by him.

Please scroll down to see them all.


Dad’s Record Catch
6″ x 9″
Oil on panel
Artist’s Collection

After 5 in the City

After Five In The City
36″ x 24″
Private Collection

Lindsay Calm

Lindsay Calm
8″ x 6″
Oil on Canvas Panel
Private Collection

Janet on the Beach

Janet on the Oregon coast
10″ x 8″
Oil on Canvas Panel
Private Collection

Ol Floyd

Ol’ Floyd
11″ x 14″
Oil on Panel
Artist’s Collection

Laughing Tom

Laughing Tom
6″ x 8″
Oil on Panel
Private Collection

Sad Sulu

12″ x 9″
Oil on Panel
Artist’s Collection